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Series 6: Correspondence South America, 1971-1991

 Series — Box: 26-28

Scope and Contents

The botany of South America dominated Bassett Maguire's professional work. His lifelong investigation of neotropical flora brought him into contact and correspondence with many like-minded scientists and collaborators. His South American contacts were further extended by his deep concern for the protection of tropical ecosystems and the promotion of responsible management of natural resources. Maguire founded and held leadership positions in the Association for Tropical Biology and the Organization for Tropical Studies. In 1964, he became a founder and executive director of the Organization for Flora Neotropica, an organization with the mission of publishing a plant inventory of the New World tropics. The series is arranged alphabetically by country.


  • 1971-1991

Conditions Governing Access



2.5 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Repository Details

Part of the The Archives of the New York Botanical Garden Repository

New York Botanical Garden, Mertz Library
2900 Southern Boulevard
Bronx NY 10458 United States